Keep ALL firearms pointed down range at all times.
Treat all firearms as if they're loaded.
Shooters must keep their finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until ready to fire.
Do NOT use alcohol or drugs before or during your time on the range.
No food, beverages, tobacco or vaping are permitted on the range for any reason at any time.
If you observe an unsafe condition, report it to the RSO immediately.
Be sure all firearms are in good operating condition and are safe to operate before firing.
Make sure to know and understand the operating mechanism and safety features of any/all firearms you intend to use on the range.
Use only the correct and safe ammunition for your firearms.
No steel core, steel cased, armor piercing, tracer, incendiary, bi-metal jacket projectiles, or shot smaller than 00 buckshot are allowed on the range.
All customers of 520 TACTICAL will be held accountable and financially responsible for any damage, destruction, or injury they cause to 520 TACTICAL property or persons, whether accidental, negligent, willful, or otherwise.
Clear Eye and ear protection are mandatory before entering the range and must be worn at all times while on the range.
Never handle uncased or un-holstered firearms outside of the shooting booth. All firearms must be cased and uncased inside the shooting booth.
All firearms that are not holstered must be unloaded and cased prior to leaving the shooting booth.
Keep firearm actions open and unloaded with magazines removed until ready to fire.
If you have more than one firearm, only one may be loaded at a time, when finished, properly case the unloaded firearm before uncasing the next one.
Only two (2) Handguns may be on the shooting bench at one time, only (1) long gun may be on the shooting bench at one time.
All shooting must take place inside the shooting booth. Only one (1) shooter at a time. All others must be outside the booth to maintain safety.
Only proper official targets that are properly taped to the target backer are allowed.
Shooters may only collect their own brass without causing interference with any other shooter/s, otherwise it’s prohibited.
Upon the command of CEASE FIRE, all shooting will stop IMMEDIATELY. Place firearms on the shooting bench and await instructions from the range safety officer.
No rifle slings unless given the OK by an RSO.
Customers wanting to shoot a handgun from the holster must have the bench in the upward position and may only draw directly from the hip, no cross drawing.
Anyone under the age of 18 years of age (12 being the youngest) must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older.